more fics roundup

Two old fics that I impulsively decided to set free and two procrastinatory ficlets. You can tell my self control has been down the drain…

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Fic - MTPL (and A Favour)

It’s the usual context post for my latest FX/JL fic (as well as the little fengqing ficlet I uploaded after)

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Fic - bottle water

I said on Mastodon that I wouldn’t be doing my usual retrospective blog post on my latest FangHua PWP fic because it would just be a list of all the Writing Crimes I committed. But after that I started to think it would be a good exercise to figure out what I did wrong.

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Fic - a lose-lose situation

As usual it’s a post giving context for my latest fic (aka rambling about my ideas and how writing is hard)

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Bulletproof Fic - Clement/Riley postcanon

Time to ramble about my (other) latest fanfic, which is also my first Original Work fic.

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Bulletproof Fic - Klint/Barok vampire AU

Time to ramble about my latest fanfic!

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Writing sussily

There is a piece of advice I often see on social media, along the lines of write for yourself, not for bozos who would cancel you. I always thought I was pretty good at doing that even when making stuff for others to read.

But, since resolving to write something for myself only, I feel so much more free to be… weird and sus about things. And I wanted to talk about how good that feels…?

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