Bulletproof Fic - Clement/Riley postcanon

Time to ramble about my (other) latest fanfic, which is also my first Original Work fic.

Prompt: Artificial intelligence has a human plaything

read here

That is NOT the prompt I wrote for. I wrote this for the prompt ‘Mutual dub/non-con between a robot and a human’ because I thought mutual non-con would mean a fic where each side would non-con the other possibly at the same time. I was confused by this, then inspired, and I outlined a whole treat right away! Then I wrote it all!

…And then I found out about the real meaning of the tag while in the middle of posting it.

Anyway, this fic is about what if you got your Wii out of storage and hacked it to play some pirated games, and your Nintendo Switch got so mad about it that it decided to hack YOU to play some pirated games.

Where did this come from?

These are my OCs from their story Clement as Always and I’ve thought about versions of this postcanon scenario for them many times. Riley clinging on to Clement’s cute old body from back when Clement was his obedient friend-bot and not his insane yandere jailer just makes sense.

I always envisioned them as that meme of the girl ignoring her boyfriend to hug her plushie. Ah yes. Me. My boyfriend. And the body I used to inhabit back when we were children.

The writing experience?

It was fun and easy because they are my OCs and I got to show and tell an imaginary reader loads of details about them. Whoopee!!!!

The only deviation from “canon” for this fic was making Riley a movie and photography nerd. I wanted to give him more humanising details from the start and had a mental image of posters on his bedroom walls, so I decided they could be movie posters. It does fit - he wants to go to the outside world, I just added that he wants to film it as well and that he watches movies to fulfil his cravings while trapped. I am being nice to him. In the original Clement as Always I just made him watch gaming and other livestreams and YouTube videos all day.

Because I was writing for this misunderstood “mutual noncon” prompt, it naturally grew into an attack-and-revenge pattern which I was pleased with, but also meant that I intended this fic as scenes from their everyday… a very sexually violent everyday. My one insecurity with this fic is whether that’s clear. It’s the in-universe justification for why I don’t actually spend that long describing the assaults and why the characters are very quick to take action and get their revenge.

If I were to write a sequel, it would be about the backpack Riley left in the woods before being tranquilised and brought home. He didn’t remember it while having his breakdown, but it could still be there. They can go on causing more trouble for each other forever and ever… smiles